Safeguarding and Welfare

My name is Martin Tavener, I am a retired Police Officer and am the Safeguarding and Welfare Officer for Brecon AC.  I have recently undertaken the necessary training with Welsh Athletics and have had a long career involved in safeguarding children and vulnerable adults,

My role is to ensure the club has a dedicated person with the primary responsibility for managing and reporting concerns about children or adults at risk. 

Club Welfare Officers play a key role in ensuring that club members have a safe and positive experience at their club. Welfare Officers are key to all members knowing what to do and who to speak to if they have a safeguarding, discipline or conduct concern. They are also key to managing lower-level club issues and disputes, and/or flagging concerns for early intervention to prevent escalation and behaviours which prevent enjoyment of the sport.  

Welfare Officers also form part of the club committee and perform a key role in implementing good safeguarding governance locally at your club.

By completing training provided by Welsh Athletics and understanding the policies and procedures set out by UK Athletics, clubs can be confident that their Welfare Officers have the right level of knowledge for the role. This includes how to raise a concern and who to speak to within the sport.  

Brecon AC currently has a vacancy for a female Safeguarding and Welfare Officer.

Key Contacts - please try and speak to a Club Welfare Officer first but if urgent please report concerns immediately to Dyfed Powys Police or Powys Council, remember immediate safety of a child is paramount.

Name Role Contact no Email/Alternative number
Martin Tavener Brecon AC Safeguarding and Welfare Officer 07712 737684
Carl Williams Welsh Athletics Lead safeguarding and compliance officer  07792 242153. 
Powys County Council  Children’s Services  24 hours duty officer 0345 054 4847 01597 827666 (Normal office hours)
Dyfed Powys Police 24 hours duty officer Public Protection 101 999 if emergency and/or child is in immediate danger
Child Protection in Sport (NSPCC) Specialist advice on Safeguarding in Sport for children 0116 366 5580

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